
Their Rules: Stacey Abrams Shouldn’t Be Considered a VP Candidate Because She Can’t Get Over 2018 (Video)

- Agustus 14, 2019

Failed 2018 gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) has been in the news a lot recently.

As Red State‘s Sarah Lee wrote on Monday, Abrams is still claiming the election she lost to Brian Kemp was “stolen.” She also announced this week that she will not be running for president in 2020 and instead will focus her efforts on combatting alleged voter suppression.

On top of that, she told the New York Times that she would “be honored to be considered” for vice president by any of the Democratic presidential contenders, even though back in March she ruled out a potential Biden/Abrams ticket, suggesting she didn’t want to play second fiddle to anyone.

Now we all know it has been standard procedure ever since her election was “stolen” for Democrats and fake “conservatives” to treat Ms. Abrams with the most utmost reverence, but by the standards they wanted to hold candidate Donald Trump to in 2016 she should not be eligible for consideration as a vice presidential nominee.

Democrats and their media enablers repeatedly suggested that Trump saying he wasn’t sure he’d accept the results of the 2016 election was an indicator that he was a “sore loser”, a “threat to democracy.”

Candidate Clinton was one of them:

Abrams, ironically, was another:

She (as most other Democrats did) changed her tune on the problematic issue of not accepting election results after the 2018 Georgia’ governor’s race, because Democrats never hold themselves to their own standards – and they know their mainstream media allies very rarely question them on it when it happens. Since that time just about any Democrat you can get in front of a microphone has sided with Abrams, claiming she’d be the governor of Georgia right now if it weren’t for “voter suppression” (which, by the way, is not true).

With all that in mind, the Free Beacon video mashup done earlier this year of Democrats “holding” Abrams to their standard when it came to questioning election results is definitely worth revisiting and rewatching as Abrams attempts to increase her visibility in the coming weeks and months on the national stage:

Your rules, Democrats. Your rules.

— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –

The post Their Rules: Stacey Abrams Shouldn’t Be Considered a VP Candidate Because She Can’t Get Over 2018 (Video) appeared first on RedState.


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