
UPDATE: Joe Biden Biden Eulogized the KKK Kleagle at His Funeral… Then Compares President Trump to the KKK

- Agustus 05, 2019

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila…
2020 Democrat hopeful Joe Biden lashed out at President Trump on Monday and compared him to the Ku Klux Klan.

Biden spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday evening about the back-to-back mass shootings that took place over the weekend and compared Trump to the KKK.

The Democrat-media complex has pivoted from the Russia hoax to ‘Trump is a racist.’

“This is a president who has said things no other president has said since Andrew Jackson,’ Biden said, referring to one of the Democrat Party’s founders who owned slaves.

“We went through this before in the ’20s with the Ku Klux Klan,’ he said, ‘50,000 people walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in pointed hats and robes because they in fact decided they didn’t want any Catholics coming into the country.'”

‘We went through it after the Civil War in terms of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy.”


So Biden compared Republican Donald Trump to the KKK… But just 9 years ago Joe Biden eulogized the KKK Kleagle at his funeral.

Biden eulogized Robert Byrd, the KKK recruiter and Kleagle, at his funeral in 2010

Biden said, “Robert C. Byrd elevated the Senate.”

Of course, the liberal media will completely ignore this obvious double-standard.

The post UPDATE: Joe Biden Biden Eulogized the KKK Kleagle at His Funeral… Then Compares President Trump to the KKK appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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