Condoleezza Rice appeared on the Today show this week and was asked if Russia helped elect Trump, a suggestion she shut down immediately.
This has happened before.
News Busters has details:
Condi Rice SHUTS DOWN NBC Asking if Russia Elected Trump
During an interview with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie pressed her guest on whether Russia “elected Donald Trump.” In response, Rice ripped apart the notion and lectured the NBC anchor: “I really don’t think that’s a good conversation to have.”
After asking Rice and her co-author Philip Zelikow about their new book on the Cold War, Guthrie began asking a series of questions about Russia which culminated in this: “When you look at the 2016 election and you look at how, relatively speaking, it was decided by a handful of votes in a few states, do you think it’s possible that Russia’s election interference actually worked? It actually elected Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton?”
Rice immediately called out the irresponsible conspiracy theory and let Guthie have it:
I don’t think there’s any evidence of that. And, you know, I really don’t think that’s a good conversation to have. I think that really does devalue the people in Wisconsin and Michigan and others who decided to vote for President Trump. Whether you like this president or not, whether you believe that he should have been president or not, let’s give the credit to the Americans who went out and voted for somebody who they thought would bring change.
Watch the video below:
Condi’s response to whether Russia elected Donald Trump is absolutely worth a listen.— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) September 11, 2019
Check out some of the responses to this:
Can you imagine that Media empty-head even presuming or attempting to ask Condie a serious question?The combined IQ’s of all NBC talking heads is smaller than Condie’s shoe size.
— Craig Britton (@Caydab) September 11, 2019
I would vote for this woman for POTUS any time she decides she is ready. She’s intelligent, articulate, and values the principles this country was founded on.
— Patti Tatum (@pattitatum) September 11, 2019
When I listen to people like Condoleezza Rice, my heart rejoices with hope that there are still people like her who represent the beautiful authentic American spirit. God bless the USA.
— George Geagea (@gggeagea) September 11, 2019
Way to go, Condi.
Cross posted from American Lookout.
The post Condoleezza Rice Shuts Down Another Reporter For Saying Russia Helped Elect Trump (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.