Leopold A. Hauser and Adebisi A. Okuneye mugshots
The couple who *allegedly* assaulted a man wearing a MAGA hat in a Portland bar were arraigned in Multnomah county court last Monday. They each faced charges of Third Degree Assault, a Class C felony.
Leopold Hauser and Adebisi Okueye both pleaded not guilty and said they retained a private attorney on the matter.
And a liberal Portland Grand Jury on Thursday cleared the two thugs who pummeled the MAGA supporter.
The Oregonian reported:
A Multnomah County grand jury on Thursday declined to indict two people accused of assaulting a man outside a Portland bar for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, prompting the court to dismiss the case.
Adebisi Okuneye, 23, and Leopold Hauser, 22, no longer face criminal allegations in the Aug. 24 altercation at Growler’s Taproom on Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, according to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.
As previously reported by TGP’s Brock Simmons, Luke Lenzner, 34, took his wife out for a night on the town a couple weeks ago, and he ended up with a gashed and bloody nose, with two suspects facing charges, all over the man’s apparent support of President Trump.
Lenzner on Thursday blamed Portland’s “radical” political leanings after the jury cleared the violent leftists.
“I know who hit me, who assaulted me,” he told The Oregonian/OregonLive. “In any other city they would have been indicted.”
Lenzner said he continues to wear his read MAGA hat around his neighborhood in Portland, but he won’t wear it in bars anymore. “It’s just one more reason to move out of this state,” he said.
The post Liberal Portland Grand Jury Clears Pair of Thugs Accused of Pummeling Man in MAGA Hat in Bar appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.