
Steve Bannon Drops a Bomb — Tells FBN’s Trish Regan “Hillary Clinton Is Running!” (VIDEO)

- September 30, 2019

Former Chief Strategist for President Trump, Steve Bannon, joined Trish Regan on FOX Business Network on Monday night to discuss the latest Democrat coup attempt against Donald Trump.

Steve told Trish Regan, “They’ve been hellbent on this since 2:30 AM on November 9, 2016. They still fail to see the reason they lost the election is the upper Midwest. Donald Trump reached out to working class people, the manufacturing jobs were gone, their lifestyles changed, the opioids are there. Hillary Clinton was too busy to do that. They’ve never been able to admit this.

Steve said the national security apparatus has failed the United States and President Trump saw this. That’s part of the reason that they hate him.

Trump encouraged the Trump administration to slow the process down. There are many alternatives to slow this thing down. Bannon warned Democrats if they vote to impeach the president when all of the information on the Democrat scandals is released then they have signed their death warrant.

Steve also predicted that Hillary Clinton is running in 2020, telling Trish Regan, “I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here… She’s running. She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

Please, be true!

Via Trish Regan Primetime.

The post Steve Bannon Drops a Bomb — Tells FBN’s Trish Regan “Hillary Clinton Is Running!” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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