
DEMOCRATS PANIC THAT CIARAMELLA WILL BE OUTED! Warn GOP Lawmakers of Ethics Charges and “Potentially Illegal” Act of leaking Eric Ciaramella’s Name

- November 12, 2019

Joseph Stalin would be proud.

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) warned GOP lawmakers on Tuesday against saying the whistleleaker Eric Ciaramella’s name during the public impeachment show trials this week.

Schiff in a 6-page memorandum, warned Republican lawmakers that they will face a potential ethics probe if they dare say the CIA snitch’s name.

Democrat leaders Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Nadler echoed Schiff and said Republicans must refrain from the “potentially illegal” act of mentioning Eric Ciaramella’s name during the show trials that begin on Wednesday.

Of course, Ciaramella, an anti-Trump CIA operative has no right to remain anonymous.

As we reported earlier…
There is only one reason Democrats want the anti-Trump CIA leaker to remain anonymous.
They know the more you learn about Ciaramella the more likely they lose.

CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption.  This included talk on investigating the Biden crime family. Ciaramella was not on the call. He just heard about it and his report was filled with inaccuracies.

** The so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat.

** Ciaramella  coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.

** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”

** Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.

** Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!

** Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.

** An attorney for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.

** Ciaramella  worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.

** Ciaramella had no problem with the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s million dollar pay-for-play scandal with Ukraine.

** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.

** Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

** A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.

** And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.

** Eric Ciaramella was a guest of Joe Biden to a luncheon with the Italian Prime Minister in 2016.

** And as The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today Eric Ciaramella hosted the White House meeting in January 2016 when Ukrainian officials were told to get rid of the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma.

This is why Adam Schiff does not want Eric Ciaramella’s name mentioned during the public testimony this week.

The post DEMOCRATS PANIC THAT CIARAMELLA WILL BE OUTED! Warn GOP Lawmakers of Ethics Charges and “Potentially Illegal” Act of leaking Eric Ciaramella’s Name appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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