
Biden Caves: “I Would Obey Any Subpoena That Was Sent to Me” for Trump Impeachment Trial

- Desember 28, 2019

Tough talking Joe Biden, the former vice president leading the race for the Democrat’s presidential nomination, reversed his defiant stance from just 24 hours ago that he would defy any subpoena issued by the Senate to compel his testimony in President Trump’s looming impeachment trial, telling a Fairfield, Iowa audience Saturday night, “I would obey any subpoena that was sent to me”.

The reversal comes after Biden told the Des Moines Register in a Friday meeting with the paper’s editorial board that he stood by previous statements that he would defy a subpoena if issued to him. Biden then posted a statement to Twitter Saturday morning attempting to clarify his stance after strong criticism that he was acting as if he were above the law. Saturday night he caved after comments by rival candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) that he should obey a subpoena.

Video of Biden’s remarks was posted by Fox News reporter Madeleine Rivera:

Biden spoke to reporters earlier Saturday trying to clarify his stance, but leaving himself wiggle room, saying “I would honor whatever the Congress in fact legitimately asked me to do.” When asked if he would challenge a subpoena in court, Biden said, “The answer is I don’t think that’s gonna happen to begin with, let’s cross that bridge when it comes. I would in fact abide by whatever was legally required of me, I always have.”

Video of Warren on Biden:

Biden’s colossal flip flop was noted by Des Moines Register Chief Politics reporter Brianna Pfannenstiel, “.
@JoeBiden says here in Fairfield he *would* obey “any subpoena that was sent to me.” He told our editorial board yesterday he would not. He tried to clarify this morning, tweeting that he has previously complied with “legitimate” oversight requests.”

The post Biden Caves: “I Would Obey Any Subpoena That Was Sent to Me” for Trump Impeachment Trial appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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