
MUST SEE VIDEO Makes the Rounds Just in Time for the Much Anticipated Horowitz IG Report Due Out on Monday

- Desember 08, 2019

Finally after months and months and months of delays, Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release his major report on the Barack Obama administration’s FISA abuse on Monday.

Horowitz spent nearly two years examining the FBI’s surveillance of Trump advisor Carter Page, at the time a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

If the report is a wash then Americans will know the deep state is still in charge and can and will spy on any American whenever they damn well please.

If the report is accurate and truthful several top Obama officials will need to lawyer up for their criminal actions against an opposition party during a national election and into his first year in office.

This is what we’re all hoping to see come Monday morning…

Via Real Trumperland

Hat Tip Katie

The post MUST SEE VIDEO Makes the Rounds Just in Time for the Much Anticipated Horowitz IG Report Due Out on Monday appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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