
Twitter Says “Glitch” Caused President Trump’s Retweet of CIA Whistleblower to “Appear Deleted” — Funny How those “Glitches” Only Affect Trump and His Supporters?

- Desember 28, 2019

President Trump on Thursday tweeted out an article that names the alleged anti-Trump CIA whistleblower — Eric Ciaramella.

President Trump retweeted a tweet from the Trump War Room that includes this article from the Washington Examiner that names the whistleblower in the title of the article.

Trump included Ciaramella’s far left attorney Mark Zaid in his tweet.

But after President Trump posted this tweet it went missing.
The AP and CNN wrote articles about it.

In fact, on Friday night several of President Trump’s tweets went missing — and several of the accounts he tweeted were deleted by Twitter.

And Twitter was also caught shaving THOUSANDS of likes off of President Trump’s tweets.

Twitter later responded to CNN and admitted to deleting several pro-Trump accounts after President Trump retweeted them.

But after Twitter got caught they finally released a statement on Saturday night saying these anti-Trump maneuvers were just a glitch.

It is interesting how ALL of these glitches work against Trump and his supporters.

Funny how that works, huh?

For the record– AP made a correction on their report later this evening.

The post Twitter Says “Glitch” Caused President Trump’s Retweet of CIA Whistleblower to “Appear Deleted” — Funny How those “Glitches” Only Affect Trump and His Supporters? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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