Thanks to President Trump’s leadership and smart moves with the economy, ununemployment records are being shattered in real-time.
And for the first time in nearly 10 years women, have overtaken men in the workforce.
“Women held 50.04% of the jobs last month, surpassing men on payrolls by 109,000,” the Wall Street Journal reported.
Trump has elevated millions of mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and neighbors out of poverty with his life-changing economic empowerment plan, as he promised he would in 2016.
Nonetheless, feminists are still trying to undo the 2016 election and were still out in full force at the Women’s March this year castigating the president as a racist, sexist pig.
“Trump and Hitler are the same person,” a feminist from Ohio told the Gateway Pundit on Saturday. “He’s a Nazi and a racist.”
Data proves illegal immigration impacts low-skilled American workers, Illegal immigrants, who typically work for less than minimum wage.
“I don’t want white people making tacos,” she said. “Anybody who is lawfully employed in the United States or is an undocumented worker deserves the same rights as anyone else.”
The protesters resoundingly echoed lies told by the liberal media and Democrat leadership, railing against the Trump Administration for holding migrant children in “cages,” which were actually built by President Obama’s administration.
“He puts children in cages, that’s a terrible, terrible thing and he just generally hates women,” the “pussy-hat” wearing demonstrator bemoaned.
Another feminist dressed in an Uncle Sam costume warned Trump’s immigration policies interfere with fighting climate change.
“He’s bananas,” the protester from Minnesota argued. “It’s cruel, he shouldn’t be doing it. This is one world, one planet, and we are one country and we need to be immigrating with the rest of the planet. Climate change does not stop at the border.”
Attendees of the Women’s March typically have a hard time explaining what the signs they’re holding mean and are lost for words when asked why they traveled to partake in the march, Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway campaign, told the Gateway Pundit.
“I just ask people about their signs – I’m not here to trigger anybody – like, ‘why do you feel the way that you feel and what do your signs say,’ and usually they can’t answer,” he said.
Straka, a former Democrat who identifies as gay, said he also attended the Women’s March in 2017 when he was still an angry, anti-Trump, Democrat.
“I attended the Women’s March, the first one, as a liberal. I was mad. That was right after Donald Trump got elected. I thought I really needed to go and stand up for my women friends because I thought he was trying to grab all their pussies. And then I went home that night and I made a video and I was like ‘way to go girls. I’m so proud of you,’” he said. “And then I look around here today and I don’t think there is all that much to be proud of.
“If a lot of these ladies hate white old men they are in a lot of trouble because it’s going to come down to Bernie Sanders. The patriarchy is taking over the Democratic Party.”
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