
150,000+ Have Signed Petition Urging President Trump To Pardon Roger Stone

- Februari 11, 2020
Less than 24 hours after President Trump called the Department of Justice’s demented request for a 9-year sentence “disgraceful” and a “miscarriage of justice”, a friend of Roger Stone’s and former Trump campaign staffer revealed the current count of a petition he started to encourage President Donald J. Trump to pardon his former top advisor.
Michael Caputo, former Trump Presidential Campaign Staffer and longtime friend of Roger Stone, announced  that he had collected 100,000 signatures on a petition to President Donald J. Trump urging him to pardon the veteran Republican strategist who was convicted of process crimes on November 15, 2019. A similar petition on change.org has garnered close to 40,000 signatures and an effort on the official WhiteHouse.gov website topped out around 16,000.
“I hope the President recognizes that the people who recently tried to pull off the impeachment hoax are exactly the same people who set up Roger Stone in an elaborate perjury trap, namely Congressman Adam Schiff” said Caputo. “Stone was convicted by an all Democrat DC Jury of lying to Congress when there was no underlying crime to lie about” Caputo added. “Meanwhile, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strozk, Page and Mueller himself all lied under oath about material matters and go un-prosecuted.”
“Roger Stone is the last victim of the Mueller witch hunt which the President has correctly called a “hoax” conducted by “dirty cops”.” said the Buffalo resident. “I strongly urge the President to take action to free Roger Stone from what was obviously a political hit job and return him to his family,” said Caputo. “In the meantime, I urge Americans who recognize that this was a deep state takedown of Roger Stone to sign our petition today at https://magapetition.org/rogerstone/.”
While Trump’s recent comments slamming the sentence and prosecution as a whole are a move in the right direction, Mr. Stone still faces a tough sentencing hearing on February 20th before an Obama appointed judge with a history of ruling unfavorably against conservative cases and figures before her court.

Those looking to help Stone’s legal efforts can donate by visiting stonedefensefund.com

The post 150,000+ Have Signed Petition Urging President Trump To Pardon Roger Stone appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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