Omar mosque Paterson, New Jersey
While everyone is distracted with the Coronavirus, a New Jersey city just approved changes to its noise control ordinance to allow the Islamic call to prayer to be broadcast five times a day.
The first call to prayer begins at 6 AM.
The Paterson City Council voted 5-4 to approve the changes to its noise ordinance — the measure was sponsored by councilman Shahin Khalique.
Many people showed up to protest the changes to the noise ordinance, including Christian pastors, however it wasn’t enough to stop the insanity.
Paterson Press reported:
After extensive debate, the City Council on Tuesday night voted 5-4 to approve changes in Paterson’s noise control ordinance that supporters say will allow mosques to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer five times a day.
The vote drew an impassioned standing room only crowd of more than 120 to City Hall, including some Christian pastors who opposed the measure, saying it would create a nuisance for people who live near mosques, as well as members of Paterson’s Muslim community, who praised the ordinance as a victory for religious inclusion.
But another resident, Steve Bauer, said mosques’ loudspeakers would be “blaring” in neighborhoods. During his comments, Bauer mentioned Islamic terrorists, including the man who was living in Paterson in October 2017 when he killed nine people at a Hudson River bike path in Manhattan.
City officials quickly interrupted Bauer to tell him he could only comment about the noise ordinance.
“With all due respect, this is a religious issue,” Bauer responded.
The original version of the proposed ordinance explicitly said that the Adhan, or the call to prayer, would be exempt from Paterson’s noise regulations. But the city law department revised the wording before the council voted on the measure.
The revised ordinance approved on Tuesday night listed 14 exemptions to the city’s noise regulations, including one that covered “bells, chimes or carillons…while being used in conjunction with religious services.” The revised ordinance also said that the call to prayer already was exempt from the noise control regulations under state law.
The Islamic call to prayer should never be allowed in any city in the United States.
It is a total nuisance and it is also a way for the Muslims in the community to show their dominance, forcing a city with Christians, Jews and perhaps agnostics to be subjected to Islam.
Watch this video of the Islamic call to prayer blaring in Hamtramck, Michigan:
The post New Jersey City Approves Changes to Noise Ordinance to Allow Islamic Call to Prayer to Broadcast Five Times a Day – Beginning at 6 AM appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.