
Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania

- April 24, 2020

Protesters rally against the Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s draconian shutdown orders this week in Harrisburg. Joe Scott photo

The Wolf administration was caught this week adding up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday. Unfortunately for the Democrat governor he got caught.

And it just happened to take place the day after hundreds of protesters converged on the state capitol in Harrisburg.

Via The Franklin County Journal:

Never underestimate the power of modern medicine! It seems that overnight, 201 people in PA who were supposed to be victims of the Chinese Wuhan Virus suddenly came back to life! A couple of days ago, PA Health Secretary Rachel Levine added 269 deaths to the Pennsylvania count, including 10 to the Franklin County number of zero, only to be almost immediately being called out by several County Coroners, Representative Rob Kauffman and State Senator Douglas Mastriano. It seems that almost none of the extra 269 cases were real or had been recorded and passed to the state from the Coroners, and the numbers were quickly revised today. Franklin County actually has reported its first death due to lagging test results, but not the 10 that were reported by the state. Lagging, assumed, or post-mortem testing results do account for 68 of the total number, but the 201 reported deaths on which the state had to backtrack are “still under investigation”.

It was indeed ironic that the fake numbers were released the day after a few thousand Pennsylvanians converged on the State Capitol to protest Governor Wolf’s draconian shutdown orders that are financially strangling our citizens. It’s pretty apparent that there are still many citizens who are easily driven to hysteria by a health scare, even an overhyped one, so no doubt the tyrannical Wolf saw this as a golden opportunity to keep the panic going. Wolf has been just one of a number of Democrat governors who have seized this opportunity to strangle our booming economy to hurt President Trump’s chances in an election year. With virus case and death numbers coming down nearly everywhere, you can bet that stunts like this from the Democrats will become more common.

Hat Tip Jerry

The post Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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