
Warning to Republican Voters: Democrats Caught Playing Dirty Tricks in Alabama Senate Race

- November 28, 2017

Republican Judge Roy Moore is running against far left partial birth supporter Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race.

Moore was recently hit with a barrage of questionable and debunked 38-year-old allegations by several women who claim he was hitting on them when they were young teens.

Most notably Moore was attacked by liberal attorney Gloria Allred in a made-for-TV stunt in New York City. Now Allred will not release her only piece of evidence to investigators to authenticate Roy Moore’s alleged signature.

Gloria Allred is lying.

Judge Roy Moore has denied all of the accusations.

Democrats, Mitch McConnell and GOP elites want Doug Jones to win an represent conservative Alabama in the US Senate.

Now there are questionable Democrat telephone polls making the rounds in Alabama.
John from Alabama wrote The Gateway Pundit this morning.

I live in Alabama and received a interesting telephone poll last night. Usually, I just lay the phone down and when I don’t answer the first question-the line goes dead. Last night, I believe around 7 PM, I received a call on another telephone poll. I was kinda pissed because it was late and on a Sunday. (Let me state I have a CapTel hearing impaired telephone. The voice is translated into text for me). I noticed the call did not hang up and continued asking questions-even though I never pushed the buttons to indicate what my response was, for any of the questions! I was usually given 4 options. This went on for 7 questions. All were greatly slanted toward the Democrat party. Don’t know if this is news or not. I thought it was odd, as it was the only telephone poll call I ever received, that seemed to answer its own questions. I enjoy the GP. Thanks!!

Thank you John.
If you are in Alabama beware of the dirty tricks by the liberal media and Democrat Party.
They are hungry for a win.

Don’t let the Democrats steal this seat from an honorable man!

The post Warning to Republican Voters: Democrats Caught Playing Dirty Tricks in Alabama Senate Race appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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