
Amid Rape Accusations, Netflix FINALLY Takes Action Against Another One of Its Stars

- Desember 05, 2017

He’s probably better known for his role as the laid back “Steven Hyde” on Fox’s “That 70’s Show.”

As of late, the avowed Scientologist, Danny Masterson, has been starring alongside another “That 70’s Show” alum, Ashton Kutcher, in a Netflix series called “The Ranch.”

OH – and he’s been slammed with accusations from four different women of raping them in the early 2000s, and having the Church of Scientology cover it up.

At least one of the victims was dating Masterson at the time, which, of course, complicates matters, but that doesn’t mean rape can’t happen.

Several weeks ago, The Daily Beast covered the story, including the suggestions of former Scientologist, Leah Remini, that the captain of the Hollywood division of the Los Angeles Police Department was, himself, entangled with the Church of Scientology.

From that article:

Back in March, journalist Tony Ortega broke the news on his blog The Underground Bunker that the Los Angeles Police Department was investigating Masterson for “at least three alleged cases of rape or sodomy of women who were also Scientologists and who claim they were pressured by the Church of Scientology not to contact police or go public with their accusations.” Ortega provided partial copies of the police reports. Bixler’s read, in part: “Victim and suspect lived together for 6 years, but were not married. Vict went to bed and when she woke up and was bleeding from her anus. Vict confronted the suspect, he laug[h]ed at her and told her he had sex with her in her anus.”

“Bixler” would be Chrissie Carnell Bixler, one of the four women to accuse Masterson.

Bixler, 39, alleges that when she reported her rape to officials at the Church of Scientology, which at the time counted her and Masterson as members, she was “made to feel like I didn’t matter,” and was told that she couldn’t have been raped by a man she was in a relationship with.

“Danny Masterson is a celebrity. He flourishes and prospers in life. You protect that and reward that,” she claims a church ethics officer told her, guiding her to silence.


And it’s not just the Scientologist who are being slammed over this.

On Monday, Netflix was making news for more than just its rising subscription prices.

Over the weekend, one of the accusers was reportedly told by an executive with Netflix that they didn’t believe the accusers.

He didn’t know, at the time, that he was speaking directly with one of those accusers.

There had to be truth to it, however, because while they immediately axed Kevin Spacey from his role with “House of Cards,” they had yet to act on the accusations against Masterson.

On Tuesday, however, that changed.

While his last day was Monday, they’re not killing the episodes that have already been filmed. He’ll appear in some that roll into 2018.

Of course Masterson is in deny mode, as he has been for the past 9 month, deeming each encounter “consensual.”

The actor released this statement:

 “I am obviously very disappointed in Netflix’s decision to write my character off of ‘The Ranch.’ From day one, I have denied the outrageous allegations against me. I have never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one,” Masterson said in a statement provided to HuffPost by his attorney.

The statement continued: “In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused. I understand and look forward to clearing my name once and for all.”

Sure, guy. We’ll look forward to you getting outside of those Church of Scientology walls and into a court room.




The post Amid Rape Accusations, Netflix FINALLY Takes Action Against Another One of Its Stars appeared first on RedState.


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