
Comey Fires Off Cryptic Tweet Amid Media Firestorm Over New Strzok-Page “Secret Society” Text Message Bombshell

- Januari 23, 2018

Crooked Cop Comey fired off another cryptic tweet amid a media firestorm over the FBI text message bombshell revealing there was a “secret society” of people in the FBI and DOJ working against Trump. 

According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 50,000 text messages were exchanged between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. These 50,000 text messages do not include the ‘missing’ texts.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said after reviewing the new text messages with Trey Gowdy (R-SC) he believes there may have been a “secret society” of folks within the DOJ and FBI working against Trump.

“The thousands of texts  and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against . The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a “secret society.”” Ratcliffe tweeted Monday evening.

Shortly after this bombshell hit the wire, crooked Comey came out of hiding and fired off a cryptic tweet.

Comey tweeted late Monday evening, “Good to read reports of people standing up for what they believe in. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” — MLK”

Comey was most likely referencing a report claiming FBI Director Christopher Wray threatened to resign amid pressure from President Trump and AG Sessions to fire Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The swamp is deep.

Fired FBI Director James Comey is in hot water.

Attorney Jay Sekulow argued Monday evening that the latest batch of emails prove former FBI Director James Comey lied under oath and committed a felony.

Jay Sekulow: Let me give you this, though. James Comey’s testimony under oath. Congressman Ratcliffe asked this question, “Did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI in July 2nd?” Director Comey, “After.” That’s a false statement. That’s a felony.

Trump supporters blasted Comey.

The post Comey Fires Off Cryptic Tweet Amid Media Firestorm Over New Strzok-Page “Secret Society” Text Message Bombshell appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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