
Trump Attorney: Strzok-Page Text Messages Show Comey Lied Under Oath – Committed a Felony (VIDEO)

- Januari 23, 2018

Trump Attorney Jay Sekulow joined Hannity on Monday night to discuss the latest news that the FBI “lost” five months of text messages between Chief FBI Investigator Peter Strzok and his mistress and FBI Attorney Lisa Page.

The FBI released 50,000 text messages between the two Trump bashers but deleted thousands of text messages during a five month period from December 2016 to May 2017.

The FBI said they lost them.

Jay Sekulow argued that the latest batch of emails prove former FBI Director James Comey lied under oath and committed a felony.

Jay Sekulow: Let me give you this, though. James Comey’s testimony under oath. Congressman Ratcliffe asked this question, “Did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI in July 2nd?” Director Comey, “After.” That’s a false statement. That’s a felony.

Via Hannity:

The post Trump Attorney: Strzok-Page Text Messages Show Comey Lied Under Oath – Committed a Felony (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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