
Dirty Cop Mueller Gunning For Trump – Seeks to Question POTUS About General Flynn and Comey

- Januari 24, 2018

Dirty cop Mueller is on the march.

New Strzok-Page text messages are shaking Mueller’s witch hunt to the core, however; the Special Counsel continues to proceed with his witch hunt against President Trump.

The 4 page FISA memo is set to be released soon so Robert Mueller is moving as fast as he can to interview President Trump. He is gunning for the president.

Robert Mueller previously grilled James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions according to a New York Times report.

Now he wants Trump. The ultimate goal of the Russia witch hunt is to remove a duly elected president.

WaPo reported:

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is seeking to question President Trump in the coming weeks about his decisions to oust national security adviser Michael Flynn and FBI Director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with his plans.

Mueller’s interest in the events that led Trump to push out Flynn and Comey indicates that his investigation is intensifying its focus on possible efforts by the president or others to obstruct or blunt the special counsel’s probe.

Trump’s attorneys have crafted some negotiating terms for the president’s interview with Mueller’s team, one that could be presented to the special counsel as soon as next week, according to the two people.

The president’s legal team hopes to provide Trump’s testimony in a hybrid form — answering some questions in a face-to-face interview and others in a written statement.

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