
Mick Mulvaney: We Can Ask Right Now if You’re Better Off Than you Were A Year Ago – The Answer Is ‘YES” – Thanks to Trump (Video)

- Januari 24, 2018

President Trump struck Gold when he persuaded Mick Mulvaney to join his economic team.

Mulvaney,  the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), is not just brilliant, he is an excellent communicator.

On Tuesday Mulvaney joined Neil Cavuto to discuss the tremendous success of the Trump tax cuts.

Mulvaney was excited for the youth in America who are about to experience for the first time what it means to be part of a healthy and vibrant American economy.

Mick Mulvaney: We didn’t even expect the Christmas bonuses that went out. We didn’t expect the minimum wage increases from large employers across the country. This was even more than we expected. We think that we’ve under-promised on the tax reform and the impacts we can have on the economy. And we’re absolutely confident that when folks start to see their checks, not only the take home check in which we think they will be pleased with, but when the opportunities start to come in, when they realize what it means to be part of a healthy American economy. When they have a chance to change jobs, when they have a chance to start their own businesses, have a chance to get a raise. When those things start to filter through. Those won’t be immediate in February like the new withholding will. But when folks start to remember what it’s like to be part of a healthy American economy. Remember, you and I’ve talked about this before. I’ll say it til I’m blue in the face. If you’re 30 year’s old and you’re watching this program you have never had a job in this country with a really healthy American economy. There are things that can happen in a dynamic American economy that can’t happen anywhere else in the world. We create wealth the likes of which no one else has seen in the history of the planet… The wealth opportunities that exist in this nation are fantastic. We feel like we’ve unleashed those and put ourselves in a position in our country to unleash this type of wealth creation. That is what the folks are going to see between now and the midterm elections.

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