
SCARY: Crazed Man Threatens to Kill CNN Employees

- Januari 23, 2018

Welcome to the world Trump built.

Picking up on President Trump’s obsessive signaling, a demented redcapper from Michigan threatened to shoot and kill CNN employees.

About a week ago, the raging lunatic called CNN over 20 times, breathing threats that he probably got off of a meme.

“Fake news. I’m coming to gun you all down,” the man told a CNN operator, according to court documents obtained by WGCL-TV.

He allegedly later called CNN again, saying, “I’m smarter than you. More powerful than you. I have more guns than you. More manpower. Your cast is about to get gunned down in a matter of hours.”

“I am coming to Georgia right now to go to the CNN headquarters to f—ing gun every single last one of you,” he said.

He wasn’t smart enough to keep his call from being traced by the FBI. They found the man and he has been arrested.

They’re not releasing his name, at this time.

Trump’s loyalist will rush to say this has nothing to do with Trump.

It does. Don’t kid yourself.

Just as there were Trumpidians punching protesters during his rallies, after hearing him say he’d pay their legal bills if they got in trouble (so far, he hasn’t paid anyone’s bills), the continuous drumbeat of “fake news” and the gifs he’s so proud of, showing him attacking CNN.

His “fake news awards” was so ridiculously beneath the dignity of the office and apart from what his job is supposed to be, and there’s no way to say some unstable nutjob isn’t looking to up the stakes and go full in, as a service to Trump.

That seems to be exactly what happened here.

It’s a blessing that nobody was hurt. That doesn’t mean we’ll always be so fortunate.

The post SCARY: Crazed Man Threatens to Kill CNN Employees appeared first on RedState.


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