
When Sessions Told Christopher Wray to Axe Andrew McCabe, He Said: NO WAY!

- Januari 23, 2018

Trump and his lackeys may be underestimating just how unified the FBI is.

A new report from Axios spells out how close the Trump administration came to losing Trump’s handpicked successor to former FBI Director James Comey – Christopher Wray.

According to the report, after bringing in Wray, Attorney General Jeff Sessions went to the new director and pressured him to get rid of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Wray didn’t just refuse. He threatened to resign if McCabe was replaced.

 Sessions also allegedly told White House counsel Don McGahn about Wray’s response to the pressure for him to fire McCabe. McGahn replied by telling Sessions that McCabe wasn’t worth losing Wray, according to Axios.

That’s exactly the kind of turmoil the administration wants to avoid, especially in the heat of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

White House spokesman Raj Shah said that Trump “believes politically-motivated senior leaders including former Director Comey and others he empowered have tainted the agency’s reputation for unbiased pursuit of justice.”

“The president appointed Chris Wray because he is a man of true character and integrity and the right choice to clean up the misconduct at the highest levels of the FBI and give the rank and file confidence in their leadership,” Shah said.

Cool. Then give Wray a copy of that memo Devin Nunes is sitting on, like it’s an egg he’s waiting to hatch.

That’s kind of like, “We want your agency cleaned up, but we don’t want you to see what we’re claiming. We want you to take our word for it.”


McCabe, who came under fire, along with Comey, for the incredibly bad handling of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal spent hours being interviewed behind closed doors by congressional committees in December.

He plans to jump ship and retire in March, when his full retirement benefits kick in.

Meanwhile, Trump has acted like the spoiled little monkey we’ve come to expect, by taking to his Twitter forum and slapping out the usual insulting tweets.

Well, maybe Wray can get someone in that is more to Trump’s liking after McCabe retires.

That is, if the Nunes memo doesn’t completely end the FBI, beforehand.

The post When Sessions Told Christopher Wray to Axe Andrew McCabe, He Said: NO WAY! appeared first on RedState.


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