
Donald Trump Jr. Zings Obama and Liberals in Tweetstorm

- Februari 28, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. is on a roll!

The President’s oldest son hammered liberals from his Twitter account Tuesday.


Don Jr. laughed at Obama’s ridiculous claim of “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us.”

On Tuesday, Trump reached a deal with Boeing corporation on the development of two new Air Force One planes and reportedly saved the country $1.4 billion on the deal.

Trump Jr responded to the news by saying, “It’s amazing what can happen when you actually bother to negotiate. No more waste. #maga”

Everyone magically becomes experts on guns after a mass shooting, including lawmakers.

On Tuesday, Rep Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) said we need to ban “machine gun magazines”. Brilliant. Just Brilliant.

Don Jr. zinged Rep. Maloney and said, “Well, I for one am glad to see that our decision makers have absolutely no knowledge about what they are talking about. Very comforting.”

Liberals were also mocking President Trump for saying he would have confronted the Parkland shooter in a Monday press conference.

Donald Trump Jr. re-tweeted a New York Daily News article from 1991 wherien Donald Trump stopped a bat wielding mugger.

“People are mocking Trump for saying he’d run into the school to stop the shooter today…BUT in 1991, he had his driver pull over his car to run out of it to stop a mugging.”

The post Donald Trump Jr. Zings Obama and Liberals in Tweetstorm appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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