
Rockstar Ted Nugent Praises Michael Savage, Says “Lyin’ Dyin’ Feinstein” Can Be Defeated (VIDEO)

- Februari 28, 2018

In an interview with Infowars’ Alex Jones Monday, rockstar Ted Nugent praised radio legend Michael Savage and said he believes there are enough ‘real Californians’ to turn the state red. 

NUGENT: “Alex, I’m just a guitar player, but every elected employee in America knows exactly what the Nugent family demands, what we expect from them — constitutional accountability. Americans don’t raise enough hell! Americans don’t spotlight enough cockroaches with their elected employees. And it so many instances in California, we’re talking about the great Michael Savage, running for office, I know real California. California is a solid red state. You only have high crimes where Democrats and liberals ruin everything. […] Even if the real Californians in red California, if they just went to the polls, we could unseat the lyin’ dyin’ Feinstein.”

Savage revealed to his audience Friday that ‘very important people,’ have approached him to run against Sen. Feinstein.

SAVAGE: “Some very important people have come to me and said ‘Savage, would you like to run as an independent for the U.S. Senate in the of California against the esteemed Dianne Feinstein?’ Now you may say ‘you don’t have a ghost of a chance.’ With all those illegal aliens, with all that union money, with no press on your side, how could you David run against the Goliath of Feinstein?” […] I’ve been holding down the fort for 24 years this March. 24 years in the radio business and I am younger than Dianne Feinstein. That’s right. I’ve been asked by a number of very powerful, important people to run as an independent for the U.S. Senate in the state of California and I am contemplating whether I really want to leave what I’ve worked for all my life and roll in the mud because politics is the dirty business on the planet.”

In a mailer received by California Democrats on Tuesday, Senator Feinstein asked delegates to endorse her at this weekend’s state convention.

“Today, more than ever, California and our nation’s progress are threatened on many fronts by Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress…California Democrats can and must lead Democrats across the nation to victory. Please know that I stand with each and every one of you and that I deeply appreciate all you do for our party and for the values we share,” wrote the 84-year-old lawmaker.

Yet, in a crushing rebuke, California Democrats declined to endorse Sen. Feinstein’s re-election bid over the weekend. Neither candidate, Feinstein or De Leon garnered 60% of the vote required to receive their party’s endorsement.

In response to The Gateway Pundit’s story, Savage asked his nearly 150,000 followers if he should run.

Do you think Savage should run?

The post Rockstar Ted Nugent Praises Michael Savage, Says “Lyin’ Dyin’ Feinstein” Can Be Defeated (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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