Ex-FBI special agent Chris Swecker took a blowtorch to former bureau Director James Comey Sunday, accusing the fired law enforcement executive of having an oversized ego that led to a “predetermined” Hillary Clinton-email probe.
Transcript provided by Ian Schwartz of Real Clear Politics:
ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: Republicans on the House Intel panel released that controversial FISA memo on Friday bringing to light what they say are some pretty shocking revelations.
TODD PIRO, FOX NEWS: Joining us now to react is Chris Swecker who served 24 years as an FBI special agent. Sir, with all due respect, to our other guests today this interview is arguably the most important because of your background as an FBI agent. So I’ll ask you right off the bat, you’ve heard other individuals saying the FBI is going to go after the president, the FBI hates the president, this was bad, this is now FBI versus president. How do you react to that?
CHRIS SWECKER, FMR. FBI AGENT: Well, I’d say, look, Chris Wray the new deputy director David Bowdich are going to do no such thing. What we’re talking about here is a breakdown in the senior leadership of the FBI under Jim Comey and Andy McCabe as deputy director. I would hate for the public to think that the FBI as an institution is flawed or biased.
What this is is a very small inner circle of senior leadership under Jim Comey at a very critical time period, and I just don’t want this to reflect on the 35,000 very — you know, the excellent men and women of the FBI who are doing a great job every day.
ED HENRY: So Chris, let’s get specific. And we’ve heard the partisan attacks on all sides, people who don’t like the president, people who like the president and people who like James Comey and don’t like James Comey. So I think as Todd said, it’s very important to get your perspective as somebody who was inside the FBI so James Comey holds himself out there even today on Twitter and Instagram as this paragon of virtue, above the fray. You were there for 24 years. How do you think he’s behaved over the last couple of years, you know, his public performance as FBI director, both in the Clinton probe and then how he handled President Trump?
CHRIS SWECKER: I had the perspective of serving directly under Director Mueller. I bet I sat in on 500-plus meetings with him and Director [Louis] Freeh, and these were two great leaders. They stayed in the background. I never saw a hint of bias. Unfortunately, under Jim Comey, that hubris that you just mentioned caused him to make up his own rules — leaks, permissive leak environment, predetermining investigations, a non-investigation of the Clinton email investigation, thumb on the scale on the Russian investigation in the beginning here with the FISA applications, and just generally making up their own rules and letting their own political opinions infect their investigation. That is something you learn at the FBI academy. You can’t let your personal bias — you’ve got to leave those at home. If, not you need to be in another line of business.
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Comey downplayed the FISA abuse memo, tweeting, “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.
— James Comey (@Comey) February 2, 2018
Documents released in August of last year show Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before the investigation into her email conduct had concluded. Even more concerning is “Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership,” reported Townhall.
“According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts,” wrote Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
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