
Rep. Devin Nunes Had the Perfect Response to CNN Reporter’s Question About WH Role in FISA Memo

- Februari 07, 2018

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) had the perfect response to CNN reporter Manu Raju’s question about Republicans and the White House allegedly coordinating the FISA memo’s release.

“Nunes declines to comment after GOP Conference meeting. I asked him if the WH had any role in his memo,” tweeted Raju.

“Democracy dies in darkness, my friend. Get to work,” replied Nunes.

The response was a play on the Washington Post’s slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Nunes has already denied any coordination took place.

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), or likely one of his colleagues, was caught leaking fake news to the Daily Beast about Nunes reportedly denying to comment on potential coordination between himself and the White House pertaining to the memo’s release.

Raw Story reports:

House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Tuesday declined to say whether he worked with the White House on the anti-FBI memo written by members of his staff, the Daily Beast reports.

His refusal came during a closed-door committee meeting, during which Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) asked Nunes if his staffers engaged with the White House as they wrote the memo alleging improper surveillance by the FBI during the 2016 presidential election. […]

As the Beast reports, Nunes told Quigley, “I’m not answering” when asked point-blank about possible communications with the White House.

As The Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross noted, Nunes did reply to the question. His answer? “I would just answer, as far as I know, no.”

“It was reported the other day that Nunes refused to tell Democrats on House Intel whether he had coordinated w/ White House on FISA memo release. Transcript of Intel meeting shows he did provide an answer,” Ross pointed out.

“Another false leak from House Intelligence Committee Democrats,” added Ross.

The post Rep. Devin Nunes Had the Perfect Response to CNN Reporter’s Question About WH Role in FISA Memo appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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