Out of the whole of the FBI, there are very few that should be considered corrupt or partisan.
As part of an interview that covered quite a lot of territory, Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested that the number of FBI agents anyone needs to worry about is pretty minor.
In fact, you could count the number on one hand.
“I have tremendous respect for the bureau, there are 30,000 employees, let’s assume that there are five that engaged in conduct that we have questions about,” Gowdy said on CBS’ “Face The Nation” Sunday.
That’s Five.
Out of 30,000.
Gowdy has suggested that the partisanship in Washington, and in the investigation is a major problem. Some sources have suggested that it’s so much so that Gowdy and Nunes have butted heads throughout, and it’s the reason he’s leaving it behind.
Still, he’s hoping the release of Nunes’ 4-page memo will be a one-and-done deal.
No such luck.
As I posted earlier, Nunes wants to keep releasing memos ad finitum, in hopes something eventually sticks.
“I hope this is a one-off, that Congress takes this position but also hope it’s a one-off that a [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] application contains errors and product that is funded by a political opponent. I hope that is a one-off,” he said.
And with all the barbs being flung at Andrew McCabe, the FBI deputy director, forced into early retirement because of the ongoing controversy, you’d think Gowdy would have harsher words, but he didn’t.
Quite the opposite, actually.
“People can quibble about Andy McCabe, I spent 15 hours with him in two different interviews, he is a professional witness even though I disagree with some of the decisions he made,” Gowdy said. “I think we’ve got to get to some point in life where you can disagree with the decision-making process that someone engaged in without believing that they are corrupt or somehow part of the deep state, whatever that means.”
Yeah. Whatever that means.
The post Out of All the FBI, How Many Are Actually Under Investigation? appeared first on RedState.