
Yes, the GOP is the Law and Order Party But it is Not the Stasi Police State Party

- Februari 05, 2018

There have been a lot of profoundly stupid arguments made to attempt to discredit the memo produced by the House Intelligence Committee and declassified on Friday. Other than the utter douchebaggery of watching people who argued on Thursday that Trump was being irresponsible and endangering national security suddenly flip-flop to “it’s nothing” you find grotesque crap like this Once the party of law and order, Republicans are now challenging it. A sample of the weapons grade stupidity:

Republican leaders’ open defiance last week of the FBI over the release of a hotly disputed memo revealed how the GOP, which has long positioned itself as the party of law and order, has become an adversary of federal law enforcement as the party continues its quest to protect President Trump from the Russia investigation.

Republicans are the law and order party. We are supportive of the police to the extent that they are enforcing law and order. We are not and have never been the party of intrusive government, of trampling black-letter Constitutional rights, of unaccountable police and of a police state.

The revulsion felt by many of us over what we read in the Nunes memo was not a rejection of law and order but a rejection of lawlessness by a law enforcement agency.

The GOP offensive has raised doubts among millions of Americans about the independence and integrity of federal law enforcement agencies, which have not been caught in a political maelstrom of this magnitude since the Watergate scandal almost five decades ago.

I would f***ing hope so. But again, this has nothing to do about the GOP ceasing to respect law and order but it is a reaction to the nation’s premier law enforcement agency being perverted and weaponized to serve the electoral needs of one political party.

No, we are the party of law and order and we realize that idolatry of police agencies serves neither the police agencies nor the republic will.

The post Yes, the GOP is the Law and Order Party But it is Not the Stasi Police State Party appeared first on RedState.


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