Congressional investigators are looking into whether the FBI paid dossier author Christopher Steele’s travel expenses to D.C and Rome in order to make him look like an official “informant” rather than a DNC-paid oppo research operative before the FISA court.
Dossier author Christopher Steele is under siege right now after an 8-page criminal referral was filed with the DOJ by the Senate Judiciary Committee against him.
Christopher Steele and the dossier are central to the Russian collusion investigation. Disgraced FBI Deputy Director said under oath if it weren’t for the dossier, the FBI would have never sought the FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s camp.
According to the memo, Christopher Steele was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign; this information was hidden from the FISC even though the DOJ and FBI both knew.
The memo also confirms the FBI authorized payment to Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele was later terminated by the FBI after they found out he lied about leaking to media outlets.
Steele traveled to Washington D.C. in September of 2016 and met with reporters. One of the meetings was held in the office of the DNC’s general counsel.
Christopher Steele also traveled to Rome in September of 2016 to meet with FBI officials.
Now Congressional investigators are looking into why the FBI agreed to pay Steele in the first place.
Paul Sperry of the New York Post tweeted, “DEVELOPING: Congressional investigators pursuing new line of inquiry into whether the FBI paid Steele’s travel expenses to DC & Rome legat office in order to put him on the books as an official “informant” & dress him up as reliable internal (vs paid DNC) source before FISA court”
DEVELOPING: Congressional investigators pursuing new line of inquiry into whether the FBI paid Steele’s travel expenses to DC & Rome legat office in order to put him on the books as an official “informant” & dress him up as reliable internal (vs paid DNC) source before FISA court
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) February 6, 2018
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