
TYRANNY ON PARADE=> YouTube Deletes Natural News Channel as Google Ramps Up Purge of Conservative Channels

- Maret 04, 2018

Google YouTube shut down the Health Ranger Natural News Channel on Friday.

Natural News is a very prominent health website and the world’s top source on natural health.

Founder Mike Adams posted this shocking news on Saturday.

In the latest gross violation of free speech committed by radical left-wing tech giants, YouTube has now deleted the entire Health Ranger video channel, wiping out over 1,700 videos covering everything from nutrition, natural medicine, history, science and current events.

Over the last two weeks, YouTube has been on a censorship rampage that’s apparently run by the SPLC, a radical left-wing hate group that despises Christianity, the Second Amendment and patriots in particular. Hundreds of prominent conservative video channels have been targeted for termination by YouTube, leading many independent media leaders like myself to call for government regulation of YouTube to protect free speech and end the tyranny.

“It’s just so ironic because our videos are getting flagged for harassment and bullying… That’s the excuse they use to take them down, and eventually take the channel down,” explained Paul Joseph Watson in a Breitbart News Daily interview.

InfoWars’ channel also taken down less than 24 hours earlier
“Conservatives across the internet – including Christian and pro-Second Amendment groups – are being banned by the anti-free speech authoritarians at Google, YouTube, and Facebook in a concerted effort to shut down points of view they don’t agree with,” warns InfoWars, which was also banned at nearly the same time as the Health Ranger account.

Mike Adams asked his supporters to reach out to the Google and denounce their anti-American and illegal tactics.

Help us fight back against YouTube censorship and totalitarian oppression. Here are some actions you can take:

1) Tweet @YouTube and @TeamYouTube to denounce their censorship. Let them know how much you appreciate the Health Ranger channel.

2) Call on your members of Congress to launch a civil rights investigation into YouTube, Facebook, Google and other tech giants. Their tyranny needs to be called out, and YouTube needs to be regulated to halt their out-of-control censorship.

3) Help support our YouTube alternative website, which will be announced next week on the Alex Jones show. We are building a video community where the free speech of patriots is protected and honored. Ultimately, this video project can help make YouTube increasingly obsolete.

4) Help support us financially by shopping at HealthRangerStore.com which offers over 600+ lab-verified products for healthy living and self-reliance. We will need your funding support to fund attorneys as part of our legal effort against YouTube and other techno-totalitarians that have now declared total war on free speech.

Most of all, realize that you are now living in a content police state where the techno-giants are literally “memory holing” all the content channels they don’t like. This is not happening by sheer coincidence… it’s all part of a plan to silence conservatives, commit election fraud at the mid-terms, steal the election, impeach Trump and repeal the Second Amendment.

Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media.

In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.

In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.

Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic.
Young Cons, Western Journalism, SarahPalin.com, Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.

The Gateway Pundit does not rely on Facebook for our traffic numbers. Still, we saw a significant drop in Facebook traffic last month.

This is criminal behavior.

Meanwhile, liberal sites are doing fine.

Google also deleted several top Conservative channels this week.

Conservative YouTube channels were deleted in a Google purge this week.

Google later said they “accidentally” deleted conservative channels.

The post TYRANNY ON PARADE=> YouTube Deletes Natural News Channel as Google Ramps Up Purge of Conservative Channels appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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