
Bill Maher Jokes That He Wants Mike Cernovich to Die (VIDEO)

- Juni 23, 2018

Bill Maher defended his wish for a recession to hurt support for President Donald Trump on Friday evening — and joked that he wants author and journalist Mike Cernovich to die.

Following Maher’s ridiculous assertion earlier this month that he is hoping for a recession as a weapon against our president, Cernovich had tweeted that “suicides increase during recessions. Bill Maher wants people to die.”

The criticism clearly got to Maher, who addressed it on Friday evening’s episode.

“Yes, specifically Mike Cernovich,” Maher joked after reading the tweet.

Maher went on to say, “I want him to put his head in the oven so starving kids can use it for food. No, I don’t want him to die. I don’t know who the f-ck you are Mike Cernovich, but I want you to live a long, healthy life and get the help you so desperately need.”

Responding to the jabs from the comedian, Cernovich took it in stride and declared that Maher is obviously a fan of his.

“It’s funny. He’s obviously a stealth fan,” Cernovich told The Gateway Pundit.

While he was clearly joking about Cernovich, he still defended his desire for a recession.

“A recession is a survivable event,” Maher said. “What Trump is doing to this country is not. Democracy is about to go the way of the dinosaurs because we’ve been taken over by a dodo bird.”

“So let me repeat, a recession is a survivable event – we’ve survived one every time a Republican is in the White House. Every Republican president since Teddy Roosevelt has presided over a recession…the United States has survived 47 recession in all. Since the Great Depression, we’ve never gone more than 10 years without one. Another recession is coming, not because I’m rooting for it, but because someone passed a giant tax giveaway to the rich that added trillions to the debt, and started a trade war for no reason and deliberately sabotaged the affordable care act and rolled back the rules for banks so they can once again gamble with our money.”

The post Bill Maher Jokes That He Wants Mike Cernovich to Die (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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