
This is Rich: Was Anti-gun Teen Tyrant David Hogg Protected by Armed Guards?

- Juni 23, 2018

Rich liberals – they want everyone else to be disarmed while they live in gated communities surrounded by armed security where ever they go.

True to the left’s habit of having one set of standards for itself and another set for the common man, gun control activist David Hogg was photographed in the Big Apple ostensibly flanked by bodyguards with military haircuts and Secret Service-style suits.

“Here’s [David Hogg] in NYC today with armed guards and bunch of publicists. #neveragain #Hypocrites,” Sean Di Somma posted on Twitter, along with photographs to back it up.

Hogg, who has capitalized off the Parkland school shooting with numerous appearances on talk and political shows by championing gun control, responded to the tweet, but didn’t deny that he was accompanied by armed guards.

 “Love you too,” he tweeted.

Hogg then declared that he is pro Second Amendment.

“You should really read (my) book if you did you would know we’re pro second amendment,” the 18-year-old posted on Twitter. “

I’m going to take a pass,” Di Somma replied. “I’m not really into books pushing shadow agendas not written by the listed author. Good luck to you though; if this sells well, surely there’s a nice advance for the next one. #capitalism”

Others railed against Hogg, whose organized rallies to fight the National Rifle Association, for hypocritically for roaming New York City streets, where concealed carry permits are nearly impossible to obtain, with an armed entourage.

The post This is Rich: Was Anti-gun Teen Tyrant David Hogg Protected by Armed Guards? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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