
Bill Maher tells the truth: he wants people to lose their homes and their jobs, just so President Trump loses his next election

- Juni 09, 2018

According to the website Celebrity Net Worth, Bill Maher’s salary is $10 million per year, and his net worth is pegged at approximately $100 million. So, if a recession comes, even if Mr Maher loses his job, he’s not exactly going to be sleeping on a park bench. How easy it is to say, “Sorry if that hurts people,” when it’s other people you’re wanting to see get hurt, knowing all along that you’ll be just fine, thank you very much!

From Fox News:

‘Bring on the Recession’: Bill Maher ‘Hoping’ for Economic Crash to Oust Trump

As seen on Fox & Friends Weekend | June 9, 2018 | 8:21 AM EDT

Liberal comedian Bill Maher on Friday said that he hopes the economy crashes in order to “get rid” of President Donald Trump.

Maher made the remarks on his HBO talk show, “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point,” he said.

“By the way, I’m hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession.”

“Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy,” Maher added.

There’s more at the original.

How odd it is that the esteemed Mr Maher apparently believes that it’s democracy that allows you to vote for Democrats, but if someone votes for Republicans, well, heck, that ain’t democracy at all!

But, I’ll give Mr Maher credit for one thing: at least he’s saying, out loud, what so many on the left are thinking, but won’t admit. Mr Maher is perfectly willing to see people, other people, of course, get hurt, lose their jobs, perhaps lose their homes, have their kids go hungry, just so his preferred candidates win elections.

The public seem to see things differently. Consumer confidence is at its highest level since before the 2001 recession, and has soared since Donald Trump was elected. Naturally, the Democrats scoff at those numbers, and claim that anything good in the economy is somehow the responsibility of President Obama, because, well, because they have to do that. The Democrats, whose votes have long depended upon a feeling of helplessness and misery, certainly don’t want you to feel good about the way the country is going. Mr Maher, at least, understands that people do feel too good right now, that that is bad for the left, and actively hopes that people become more miserable, just to get votes for the left.

Well, I hope that the left, at least, do feel miserable, and keep feeling miserable, as Republicans win elections.
Cross-posted on The First Street Journal.

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