
House Intel Chairman Nunes Gives DOJ Until Tuesday to Hand Over Documents on FBI’s Trump Campaign Spy

- Juni 11, 2018

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) gave the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide documents on the FBI’s informant inside the Trump campaign.

The DOJ has until Tuesday to act on the request.

The Department of Justice continues to ignore requests from Congress on their actions against candidate Trump during the 2016 election.
FOX News reported:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has given the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide access to documents concerning the FBI’s alleged informant looking into any Russian ties to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In a letter sent Friday to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Nunes said the records should be provided to all committee members “and designated staff” rather than just the so-called “Gang of Eight” — which refers to Republican and Democratic leaders in both houses of Congress as well as top lawmakers from the intelligence panels.

“DOJ continues to obfuscate and delay its production using an array of tactics, such as incorrectly categorizing the requested documents as Gang-of-Eight-level material in order to limit access,” wrote Nunes, referring to an April 30 subpoena for the documents. “Such conduct by DOJ is unacceptable because the Gang-of-Eight is a legal fiction that has no basis outside of the confines of Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions.”

Nunes also wrote, “Your continued refusal to permit Members of Congress and designated staff to review the requested documents is obstruction of a lawful Congressional investigation.”

The post House Intel Chairman Nunes Gives DOJ Until Tuesday to Hand Over Documents on FBI’s Trump Campaign Spy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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