
Jeff Flake Responds to the Japanese Prime Minister’s Tweet

- Juni 08, 2018

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) had leaders of two different countries share tweets that attacked him today — but he took it in stride.

This morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter, as he does nearly every morning, to air out his grievances through tweets; today’s tweets included one about the junior senator from Arizona:

Twelve minutes later, he followed up with a tweet about Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the White House:

Prime Minister Abe then posted a now-deleted tweet that quote-tweeted Trump’s Flake tweet with “I too look forward to having fruitful talks with my great friend President @realDonaldTrump as always.”

It appears as though the Japanese prime minister meant to quote-tweet the tweet about his meeting with Trump; he deleted the quote-tweet and replied directly to the Trump tweet about their upcoming meeting:

Flake is no stranger to being criticized by the leader of a country, as he has been the target of several of Trump’s angry tweets now. Fortunately, Flake had the perfect lighthearted response to the prime minister accidentally sharing a negative tweet about him:

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of any other individual or entity. Follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahmquinlan.

The post Jeff Flake Responds to the Japanese Prime Minister’s Tweet appeared first on RedState.


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