
MSNBC Calls Trump Women ‘Dead Inside’ and ‘Paid Off’

- Juni 08, 2018


If there’s one thing the Left are terrible at, it’s converting people.

Didn’t vote for Hillary? Aren’t pro-abortion? Not for transgender bathrooms? If any of these apply to you, liberal radicals don’t want to extend an olive branch; they want to beat you with it. They want to call you every name in the book, and they already have.

Hence: Trump.

And now, same level of degradation goes for anyone around The Donald — namely, his family.

On Thursday’s Deadline: White House, while Nicolle Wallace and her panel got steamed over recent remarks about porn star Stormy Daniels made by attorney-to-the-President Rudy Giuliani, the host called women who support Trump “numb,” “dead inside,” and “paid off.”


First, Giuliani’s pronouncement, which was made at an event in Tel-Aviv:

“I respect all human beings. I even have to respect criminals. But I’m sorry, I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career women or a women of substance or a woman who has great respect for herself as a women and as a person and isn’t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation.”


HuffPost’s Laura Bassett declared, “Rudy Giuliani is the last person anyone wants to hear from about feminism, about women.”

Bassett explained why — in her words — nobody would want to hear from him about the topic:

“[Giuliani] is working for a President who has been accused credibly by more than 1 women of sexual assault, who has two wives who’ve posed nude for money, who owned a Miss Teen USA Pageant where girls were parading on stage in their bathing suits and getting judged. …Giuliani needs to shut his mouth.”

Okay, so:

  • No one voted for Trump, then?
  • Women who have posed nude for money shouldn’t be respected and don’t represent women or feminism?

As for question number two:

  • Then HuffPost may want to stop praising Lena Dunham.
  • Then the Democratic Party needs to disassociate itself from virtually every left-wing female star in Hollywood.

Until those two things occur: Bassett makes no point.

Vanity Fair Senior Reporter Emily Jane Fox derided Giuliani like so:

“What he said about Stormy Daniels was disgusting. It gave me a pit in my stomach when I woke up this morning. But my first reaction was, ‘This is so disrespectful to the First Lady.’”

Melania was a model; but a porn star? No.

Nicolle Wallace outdid herself by then chiming in with this doozie of a question for Fox:

“You know more about the Trump women, the Trump family, than anyone. What do they do on a day like today? Are they just the most stoic human beings? Are they numb? Are they dead inside? Are they paid off? I mean, what’s their deal?”

Fox answered:

“Yes, yes, and yes.”

Just incredible.

Oh, and by the way, here’s a reminder of what HuffPost is about (and in it, they even take a shot at Dunham):

If you still have your wits about you after that video, please check out my article on the good things, in my view, about the President.

Find all my articles here.

And please, by all means, follow Alex Parker on Twitter.



The post MSNBC Calls Trump Women ‘Dead Inside’ and ‘Paid Off’ appeared first on RedState.


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