
Karate Chop! Trump Lashes Out at the Media’s Treatment of Melania

- Juni 07, 2018


The media continue to hound First Lady Melania, all in order to strike against their personal Satan, Donald J. Trump.

Trump had enough Wednesday, chopping back at the purveyors of misinformation, related specifically to her whereabouts following her widely-used-for-political-attacks kidney surgery.

“During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well!”

A few minutes later, the President asserted multiple reporters had seen the First Lady at the White House last week, refusing to publicize the fact due to its working against their false narrative.

“…Four reporters spotted Melania in the White House last week walking merrily along to a meeting. They never reported the sighting because it would hurt the sick narrative that she was living in a different part of the world, was really ill, or whatever. Fake News is really bad!”

A CNBC journalist, Eamon Javors, had in fact passed along the news via Twitter, on May 30th:

“Not that this will deter the conspiracy theorists, but I saw the First Lady walking with her aides in the West Wing yesterday afternoon.”

Conspiracies? Javers was right.

And so is Trump. The media have treated Melania absolutely shamefully in their quest to treat Trump shamefully. Case in point: Rolling Stone’s Jamil Smith and The Atlantic’s David Frum:

There is no evidence Trump has a “history of abusing women.” Nevertheless, it is doubtful most who follow Rolling Stone will know that. Therefore, more false facts spread.

Just pitiful.

Is objectivity on the part of the media too much to ask? How about sanity?

In my opinion, Melania has shown herself to be the most graceful First Lady in a very long time. Democrats have fawned over Jackie Kennedy for decades; but I’d take Mrs. Trump any day. So long as the left-wing activists in the media continue to abuse her in their efforts to assault her husband, they will proceed to reveal their nullifying bias. Furthermore, their misconduct serves as a catalyst for something they surely do not want: Donald Trump standing up for a woman, fighting against their squirrelly, squirrelly ways.

All of this exposure is helpful, yet it isn’t worth the crucifying of an innocent.


For more disrespectful acts toward Melania by the media, check out my article here.

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The post Karate Chop! Trump Lashes Out at the Media’s Treatment of Melania appeared first on RedState.


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