
New York City Adding Gender “X” to Birth Certificates

- Juni 05, 2018

Birth certificates issued in New York City don’t have to identify the child as either male or female. Not sure what the baby’s gender is based on its sex? Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said that a new proposal, expected to be introduced this week, would give parents the choice to simply check “X” as the gender.

California, Oregon and Washington already allow this option on birth certificates and Washington, D.C allows it on driver’s licenses.

deBlasio said:

Pride Month is a time to celebrate how far we’ve come in the fight for equality, and re-affirm our commitment to protecting all New Yorkers from discrimination. This proposal will allow transgender and gender non-conforming New Yorkers to live with the dignity and respect they deserve, and make our City fairer.

Johnson chimed in, adding:

 This is about making it easier for people to be who they truly are and letting them know that New York City understands them and has their backs.

Perhaps older people can request a new birth certificate that does not identify a gender as well. Dr. Mary Bassett, the city’s health commissioner said:

Transgender New Yorkers, like everyone else, should have birth certificates that reflect their true gender identity. We know that being able to live your authentic gender and gender expression is critical to physical and mental health. Now more than ever, we must ensure that all people can live their best and healthiest lives.

As Jazz Shaw points out at Hot Air, this could also help people go off the grid to dodge legal issues by changing both their name and gender. Plus, as he says,”? It used to be that you couldn’t get a picture taken for your license without wearing your glasses if you needed them to drive. Knowing who people are is a rather critical factor in law enforcement, not to mention banking, real estate and most all other aspects of modern life. But now, thanks to social justice warrior policies and feckless politicians, you can just modify everything however you wish. Isn’t progress just amazing?”

We’re amazed, all right.

The post New York City Adding Gender “X” to Birth Certificates appeared first on RedState.


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