
ROGER STONE Blasts Deep State and DNC Hacks Following Dismissal of “Russian Hoax” Lawsuit Against Him and Trump Campaign

- Juli 05, 2018

On Thursday Federal District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, tossed a junk lawfare suit by DNC hacks alleging the Trump campaign and Roger Stone colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

Judge Huvelle said in her ruling that the allegations of conspiracy were insubstantial to proceed in a court.

Today Roger Stone sent The Gateway Pundit his statement on the news that the lawsuit was thrown out.

Here is Roger’s statement:

I am gratified and delighted that yesterday the United States District Court in our nation’s capital issued a ruling dismissing the “sore loser” lawsuit filed against me and the Donald Trump campaign. This affirms my faith that the possibility of justice, though its wheels grind slowly, remains alive and well in our nation’s judiciary.

This is not only a crushing defeat for the Ivy League lawyers who abused the legal process in the filing of this action but also for the phalanx of deep state partisans who filed a misleading amicis brief with the Court.

Among the losers are John Brennan – Obama CIA Director, James Clapper – Obama Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper – Obama Director of National Intelligence, Michael Hayden – Former NSA and CIA Head Michael Morrell – Former Acting CIA Head.

The court’s unequivocal dismissal of a legal harassment campaign being waged by Clinton-Obama Democrat party proxies gives me confidence that the administration of justice in the courts of this country will not be diminished by the grotesque ploys of hyper-partisan legal mercenaries seeking to abuse our legal system as an illegitimate tool for their political vendettas.

In the meticulous 45-page Memorandum Opinion finally ending this legal travesty, Senior U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle (an appointee of President Bill Clinton I would note) outright dismissed the baseless, malicious, incredibly-sloppy lawsuit filed almost exactly one year ago against the Trump Campaign and me personally by a thinly-veiled political front group of ex-Obama administration lawyers cynically masquerading as a “non-partisan” public interest non-profit called “Protect Democracy.”

Judge Huvelle’s decision was limited to questions of jurisdiction and she was careful to point out that her ruling is not a decision on the lawsuit’s substantive claims, per se. However, the detailed, thorough opinion Judge Huvelle fashioned is nonetheless filled with her explicit findings and statements that belie the essential credibility, believability and basic coherence of the plaintiffs’ shoddy, hyperbolic claims.

Even though the case was not decided on this basis ,plaintiffs provided no evidence or proof whatsoever of their central left-wing conspiracy theory: that I somehow worked with the Russian state to hack the DNC e-mail servers and shared the fruits of this alleged hacking with Wikileaks or the Trump campaign. This is false and can therefore never be proven in any jurisdiction.

As a rational, seasoned jurist, Judge Huvelle likely saw through the legalistic puffery and deceitful bolstering that the Democrat partisan lawfare specialists used to try to insinuate counterfeit legitimacy into their circular repetition and repackaging of nothing more than the same absurd conspiracy theories and false allegations that their partisan Democrat overseers and the fake news media parrots have regurgitated incessantly since the moment they first launched their Russian collusion hoax.

As to my counsel, it is almost impossible for me to say enough to adequately express the gratitude and respect I have for the incredibly-dedicated, singularly-skillful legal team I have in my brilliant attorneys Robert Buschel, Grant Smith and Peter Farkas. I am eternally grateful to have the benefit of such fine legal minds and the wise counsel I know I can trust implicitly with attorneys of their integrity and high caliber.

It was obvious to my counsel and me that at least one despicable ulterior objective behind the ridiculously-broad, expansive complaint the plaintiffs filed was to tie us up endlessly with petty litigious contrivances and thereby drain material and time resources which would otherwise be used to battle them politically. As such, my team worked this case with amazing efficiency and expedition.

I would note that despite this positive development, this phony lawfare action by manipulative Democrat partisan lawyers has cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs, which I will never be able to recover. Notably, Judge Huvelle’s decision to toss out this sham lawsuit is quite timely, given the more sinister tinge we can now see in the motives behind this and other full-scale legal attacks that have been very purposefully coordinated against the president and his allies.

Headline-grabbing sham litigations with the Russian collusion hoax as their impetus take on a far more nefarious cast now that the collusion hoax’s central purpose has been revealed to be not merely revenge, or even just inflicting costs, but in fact to serve as a noisy distraction to cover-up the unprecedented corruption and criminal abuses of power committed by the Obama-Clinton-Democrat government, particularly during the 2016 election.

Fake lawsuits like this one have served to pile another lair of phony diversionary distractions onto an already substantial sediment built up from what are now years of nonstop media puffing and fluffing of the collusion hoax, which nonetheless has yet to produce a scintilla of proof of any sort of coordination, collaboration, collusion or conspiracy between Donald Trump or his campaign and the Russian state or its agents. None.

I have to question why this involvement by former top national security officials, the top two on this list up to their necks in the illegal spying and manipulation activities, targeting candidate Donald Trump and his supporters in 2016 and beyond, amounting to seditious crimes, and many others with track records of lying and abusive, even-illegal excesses using untold police state-grade surveillance resources and spying methods, as well as all other manner of manipulative tradecraft.

Why would these retired or unemployed spook world luminaries suddenly take such a keen interest in a civil lawsuit (for privacy torts, no less – the height of irony given the records of these deep state spymasters) filed by a handful of low-level Democrat Party employees against the Trump Campaign and myself?

I suspect we will never know this for certain, but we do know that at least one layer of their cover-up, represented by this sham lawsuit and their larger Russian collusion hoax, has now been stripped, bringing us that much closer to the truth about who the real offenders were who attempted to manipulate the 2016 election, and continue their efforts to cling to some shadow of their former power and continue to inflict damage on the innocent parties who committed the terrible offense of beating these power-crazed abusers in an election that they had gone untold distance to rig in favor of their preferred candidate and criminal co-conspirator.

The post ROGER STONE Blasts Deep State and DNC Hacks Following Dismissal of “Russian Hoax” Lawsuit Against Him and Trump Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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