
SHUT IT DOWN=> Mueller Adds MORE Prosecutors to Help With His Expanding Witch Hunt

- Juli 05, 2018

Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller is adding more prosecutors to his witch hunt to help with new legal battles as he continues to rove around unchecked.

Mueller is out of control. He’s essentially running a mini Justice Department with unlimited resources and virtually no oversight to hunt down anyone and anything connected to President Trump.

Bloomberg reported:

 Special Counsel Robert Mueller is tapping additional Justice Department resources for help with new legal battles as his year-old investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election continues to expand.

As Mueller pursues his probe, he’s making more use of career prosecutors from the offices of U.S. attorneys and from Justice Department headquarters, as well as FBI agents — a sign that he may be laying the groundwork to hand off parts of his investigation eventually, several current and former U.S. officials said.

Mueller and his team of 17 federal prosecutors are coping with a higher-than-expected volume of court challenges that has added complexity in recent months, but there’s no political appetite at this time to increase the size of his staff, the officials said.

Investigators in New York; Alexandria, Virginia; Pittsburgh and elsewhere have been tapped to supplement the work of Mueller’s team, the officials said. Mueller has already handed off one major investigation — into Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen — to the Southern District of New York.

On May 31st, the Office of Special Counsel released a statement of expenditures revealing over $4.5 million has been flushed down the toilet in just a 6 month period hunting Russian ghosts.

This $4.5 million is in addition to the $6.7 million the Special Counsel cost the first five months. Add to that other Department of Justice costs ‘related to Russia’ which brings the figure even higher to what Politico estimates to be $17 million total spent on the Russia probe.

Taxpayers are being punished simply because Trump won the 2016 presidential election.

Not to mention the lives devastated and destroyed by Mueller.

To this date, the FBI has not done a forensic inspection of the crime scene–the DNC servers, yet here we are forking out millions of dollars for an obvious witch hunt.

Congressman Gowdy recently told Rosenstein in a hearing to “finish it the hell up” because the country is being torn apart over the garbage Russia probe.

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller has now collected information from Trump donors, the RNC, all of the Trump Campaign officials, Trump businesses, Erik Prince and Blackwater, and now the NRA.

When does Mueller and Rosenstein get arrested?

The post SHUT IT DOWN=> Mueller Adds MORE Prosecutors to Help With His Expanding Witch Hunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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