
FIREWORKS! Sean Hannity RIPS CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘People See Through Your Lying BullSh*t’ For What It Is’

- Agustus 03, 2018

Sean Hannity ripped into fake news Jim Acosta Wednesday evening after Acosta whined about Trump supporters roasting him with “CNN sucks!” chants at Trump’s rally in Florida.

Jim Acosta blamed FOX News for whipping Trump supporters up into an ‘anti-CNN’ frenzy at a Tampa, Florida rally.

“My sense of it is that these opinions these folks have at these rallies, they’re shaped by what they see in the primetime hours of Fox News and what they hear from some conservative news outlets that just sort of give them this daily diet of what they consider to be terrible things we do over here at CNN,” Acosta told HLN’s S.E. Cupp

Acosta then attacked FOX News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday evening from his Twitter account, calling the conservative host a “propagandist for profit.”

Acosta tweeted: Hannity is a propagandist for profit, peddling lies every night. He says he’s just a talk show host, not a journalist. But he’s injecting poison into the nation’s political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I’m confident in the long run the truth will prevail.

Hannity ripped fake news Acosta in response…

“People see through your lying bullshit for what it is,” Hannity said to Acosta in a tweet that went viral late Wednesday evening.

Hannity tweeted: Jimmy @Acosta sorry your precious feelings are hurt & that people see through your lying bullshit for what it is. FAKE NEWS. #CNNSUCKS

Jim Acosta continued his whining into Thursday after Sarah Sanders refused to publicly declare the media is not the enemy of the American people. Acosta called for protests at the White House after chaos erupted in the briefing room Thursday.

In case you missed it, here’s Acosta getting heckled with “CNN sucks!” chants at Trump’s Tampa, Florida rally.

The post FIREWORKS! Sean Hannity RIPS CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘People See Through Your Lying BullSh*t’ For What It Is’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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