
GET READY AND PRAY TO GOD — The Time Is Now — The Imposters Are Preparing The Final Act in Their Coup d’état

- Agustus 02, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

To all TGP readers and all American patriots we are informing you to prepare yourselves. This country is at a precipice. America is either going to be overrun by a power hungry Deep State or it will survive one of the biggest attacks to its existence since the Civil War.

We must all be vigilant and prepared.

The acts of the Deep State are as appalling as they are criminal. An unelected and elected power hungry minority is attempting a coup d’état of the Trump administration.

Americans voted for Donald J. Trump for President in 2016 because they were tired of the corruption in Washington D.C. as much as Americans were fearful of losing the country that they loved.    Americans were in fear the country that we knew was morphing into something entirely unrecognizable and demented.  Liberals, Democrats, elites, globalists and the Deep State thought Donald Trump was a “clown”  as they plotted to hand over the country to Obama’s choice – Hillary Clinton.

Under President Obama the US was burdened with trillions in new debt, doubling the amount when he was elected and increasing the US debt to GDP ratio by 40% to over 100%. Healthcare was taken under the government’s wing. Foreign affairs were a mess.  Everything Obama policy was a disaster.

ISIS was roaming the Middle East and Iran was given billions through a farcical agreement. The borders were open and the US was bringing in large numbers of undocumented immigrants from terrorist nations. The US was giving away everything in trade deals and providing billions in a fake climate change agreement. But the most devastating cancer of the Obama years was the proliferation of the Deep State.

A small group of evil unelected officials known as the ‘Deep State’ were given the reigns of the US Justice system, State Department and intelligence agencies.  They banned together to pardon Hillary Clinton of her many crimes leading up to the election while spying on Donald Trump, his campaign and his his administration.

President Trump won the election but this only enraged the Deep State to remove the duly elected President from his rightful position. The Deep State conjured up the fake Russia collusion story to provide cover for illegally spying on Trump during the campaign.

Although they let Hillary off  for her many crimes in an effort to elevate her to the Presidency, they had no intention of doing the same for Donald Trump. He is their enemy. In a way it is a blessing that he won the election, because this miracle has led to Americans to understand the Deep State for what it is – corrupt, criminal and unseen.

We now have reached that moment – America will be free or it will become another failing exercise in the chronicles of human history.

Deep State – its many actors including former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Democrat and Republican Senators, Congressmen and judges, the FBI, DOJ, the corrupt Mueller gang and all their players in and out of government – have created a “witch hunt” that is reaching its climax. They and their corrupt and dishonest media have put the pieces in place to dethrone President Trump.

Their hopes lie in winning the upcoming 2018 election so they can impeach a man for no reason other than he is not one of them.

More false and inflammatory accusations are upcoming. The corrupt and conflicted Mueller team will unveil their lies soon. Who will be next – Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, the President himself?

These people created a farcical and unconstitutional investigation, there is nothing keeping them from doing more damage to the country.  AG Sessions turned out to be the modern day Benedict Arnold. Rosenstein too is a joke if not for the seriousness of the situation. They’ll do anything.  They’ve proven this already and the liberal media will oblige them in promoting their lies.

President Trump has few options. He can’t fire Rosenstein or Mueller, who should be under investigation themselves, because of the political damage that the MSM will lay on him if he does. He can’t currently bring his case to court, because then his Supreme Court nominee will never be approved.  He can rely on a few good men in Congress to assist in highlighting the criminal Deep State.  But their efforts may be too slow and ineffective before the election.  If the Democrats win the House they will impeach and stop all investigations into their many criminal and unconstitutional acts.

Ultimately the American people will solve the issue of the Deep State.

Perhaps no time since the Civil War has the country reached this pivotal point.

The Founders predicted a time like this when they created the 2nd Amendment.

Prepare yourselves and PRAY.

Ask for another miracle to keep America the shining beacon on a hill.

The post GET READY AND PRAY TO GOD — The Time Is Now — The Imposters Are Preparing The Final Act in Their Coup d’état appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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