
Photo Montage: Violent “Land or Death” Movement Gains Steam in South Africa …(Liberals Say This Is Not Happening!)

- Agustus 25, 2018

On Wednesday President Donald Trump tweeted out his concern over the racist South Africa land and farm seizures and killings of farmers.

The liberal media immediately refuted the claim by President Trump and accused him of being a white nationalist.

The mainstream media is the enemy of the people.

Off course President Trump is right and it’s worse than we think.

There is an actual “land or death” movement taking off in South Africa.

The supporters say they are ready to kill or die for the white-owned land.

“Only death will stop us.”

And South African government officials are joining in the calls to steal white-owned land.

Land or death.

The post Photo Montage: Violent “Land or Death” Movement Gains Steam in South Africa …(Liberals Say This Is Not Happening!) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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