
Bob Woodward Says He Found No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

- September 16, 2018

Well, this is going to be awkward for a lot of people. In an interview with radio host and NBC contributor Hugh Hewitt, Bob Woodward — whose new book Fear: Trump in the White House documents two years of conversations he’s had with individuals working in and around the Trump campaign and subsequent administration — says after two years of investigating he’s found no indication or evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Hewitt asked Woodward point blank if he found any evidence of collusion or even more far out there, espionage.

Did you, Bob Woodward, hear anything in your research in your interviews that sounded like espionage or collusion?”

“I did not, and of course, I looked for it, looked for it hard,” Woodward answered. “And so you know, there we are. We’re going to see what Mueller has, and Dowd may be right. He has something that Dowd and the president don’t know about, a secret witness or somebody who has changed their testimony. As you know, that often happens, and that can break open or turn a case.”

“But you’ve seen no collusion?” Hewitt asked again to confirm.

“I have not,” Woodward affirmed.

For those who derided Woodward’s work and book — like the President himself and those in his administration — holding up this revelation as proof there was no collusion, which Trump craves, puts into question the cries of “Fake news” and that the book is a collection of salacious lies.

One can only imagine what Trump might tweet about this.

On the other side of the coin, for anyone who couldn’t get to Amazon fast enough to pre-order their copy so they could salivate over all the juicy details of a lot of things we already know or can assume about the Trump White House, this new tidbit will be just as difficult a pill to swallow.

Of course, Woodward isn’t privy to what Robert Mueller has found, but says he personally found nothing that smacked of collusion or espionage. So, I’d say we’re back to zero on what we know, but Woodward’s conclusion is definitely interesting.

The post Bob Woodward Says He Found No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump and Russia appeared first on RedState.


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