
What the Liberal Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About Alex Jones and Infowars

- September 09, 2018

(left to right) Paul Joseph Watson, Owen Shroyer and Alex Jones

On Friday night Apple joined the mob of Big Tech thought police and determined Americans no longer have the right to listen to or view Infowars.com on mobile devices.

Apple removed the Infowars app just weeks after it surged to the top of downloaded apps at Apple.

This comes after Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Twitter removed Infowars in August.

Twitter removed Infowars on Thursday after Alex Jones was seen confronting senators, reporters and Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, earlier that day.
Liberal media outlets knew about the ban before Alex Jones did.

This also comes after several Sandy Hook parents filed suit against Alex Jones in August for remarks he made on his popular internet show. Alex Jones allowed a guest Wolfgang Halbig to question the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shootings.  Alex Jones brought up oddities in the live video of the event that day. The guest Wolfgang Halbig made the other observations from a school security expert standpoint.

Four years later Infowars is being sued and was banned by the Silicon Valley tech giants.

The liberal mainstream media will not tell you the offensive comments were made four years ago.

Infowars has hundreds of thousands of listeners a day.  Infowars has thousands of videos that were deleted by Google-YouTube.  Infowars had hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook-Instagram and Twitter-Periscope.

Meanwhile, Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan, Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups continue to spew their hatred on a daily basis on social media.

The liberal mainstream media also will not tell you that Infowars is a leading publisher of conservative news. 

Infowars was one of the few American publishers that supported Donald Trump in 2016.  Their stories were frequently posted on the esteemed Drudge Report.  Their news reports changed the narrative in America and helped propel Donald Trump to the White House.  For every conspiracy theory on Infowars there are 99 legitimate conservative news articles.  Their success rate is certainly higher than most mainstream media outlets who continue to push the Russia collusion conspiracy?

The liberal media also ignores the exceptional talent at Infowars.

Alex Jones has one of the most talented and entertaining conservative voices today in Paul Joseph Watson.
Here is Paul’s latest video that already has over 270,000 views in less than 24 hours.

Paul Joseph Watson had his Twitter account suspended for 12 hours this week because of his association with Alex Jones.
The tech giants are now punishing our acquaintances. That is a new practice they launched this week.

Alex Jones has one of the fiercest street reporters today in Owen Shroyer.
Owen is an amazing young talent and fearless in a crowd of lunatics.

Here is Owen at work. He is the best.

The liberal mainstream media wants you to believe Infowars and Alex Jones is a conspiracy site.
They won’t tell you the rest of the story.

Alex Jones built his empire because he is entertaining, fearless and confrontational.
But Silicon Valley says you can’t view him or listen to him.
This will not stop with Alex Jones.
This is just the beginning.

I’m with James Wood on this one.

The post What the Liberal Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About Alex Jones and Infowars appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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