The corrupt former Attorney General from the Obama admin, Eric Holder called for violence against Republicans over the weekend during a campaign appearance in Georgia.
“They have used the power that they have gotten for all the wrong things. They want to keep themselves in power. It is time for us as Democrats to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are,” Holder said.
“Michelle Obama always says…when they go low, we go high. NO! When they go low, we kick them,” Eric Holder said as the audience laughed, cheered and clapped.
The crowd broke into chants of “fight! fight! fight!” after Eric Holder called for Republicans to be “kicked.”
“That’s what this new Democratic Party is about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re going to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party,” Eric Holder said.
Not only are the left-wing shock troops on the ground chasing Republicans out of restaurants, pounding on cars, and cracking skulls, the Democrat leaders are calling for violence.
Dem Congresswoman Maxine Waters previously called for members of the Trump cabinet to be harassed everywhere they go.
Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton also said this week that Democrats can’t be civil with Republicans.
The post ERIC HOLDER: When Republicans Go Low, ‘We Kick Them’ …Crowd Chants, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.