
Malloch: Look Who’s Squealing Now – James “Dirty Hands” Baker

- Oktober 11, 2018

Guest post by Ted Malloch, author of The Plot to Destroy Trump

With the DNC email leak clogging up airtime on the media, the FBI was tasked with figuring out who let their finger off the plug.

They tasked one man with the job: James Baker, the FBI’s General Counsel.

Baker has a very close friend: James Comey.

The two have a long history together, and in January 2014 Comey tapped Baker to become the FBI’s top lawyer. They had been longtime colleagues at both the DOJ and for a spell at the private Bridgewater Associates.

Could Baker be a pawn working for Comey?

Does Comey pick Baker for the job because he knows he’ll say just what Comey wants to hear—the same way Christopher Steele knows just what the people funding his Trump-Russia Dossier mission want to hear?

In the past, Baker has also been involved with a number of serious matters involving the DOJ and its past investigations, like his 2015 handling of the sensitive issues regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

It was Baker and his gang who failed to recommend criminal charges.

Baker had always been involved in FISA warrant requests.

He was the FBI “go-to” on FISA.

In 2007, Baker appeared on the PBS Frontline episode “Spying on the Home Front,” where the show’s producer, in the Washington Post online, referred to Baker as “Mr. FISA himself.”

Could Baker have been a part of an effort to make sure Trump never made it into the White House?

Is he in the middle of the dump-Trump schemes?

Is he a resister? Or worse?

Could he be in collaboration to keep this Russia-gate story alive and to support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton?

Did he have help, an ally—high up?

Perhaps it was a certain Andy McCabe?

McCabe joined the FBI in 1996 and became what is known as a “lifer.” He knew nothing else.

He started his long career in New York City with the FBI SWAT field office and moved next to become a special agent at the Eurasia Organized Crime Task Force. Promoted, he managed counterterrorism efforts and the National Security Branch of the entire FBI in Washington DC.

In 2009 McCabe directed the office on high-value detainees. He led the investigation on the Boston Marathon bombing and also the arrest of the Benghazi attackers.

McCabe was a dedicated FBIer and he became very attached to James Comey.

Comey appointed him to many lead placements and eventually made him his deputy.

McCabe should have recused himself from the Hillary Clinton investigations and those of the Clinton Foundation because of political conflict of interest, given the fact that Clinton’s Democrat cronies (Terry McAuliffe) had given almost $700,000 dollars in contributions to McCabe’s wife in her campaign for Democratic state senate in Virginia.

He didn’t.

But “Dirty Hands” Baker after being reassigned at the FBI finally left earlier this year — before being pushed out.

He now, only now, offers “explosive” testimony while he was involved at the FBI in abnormal handling of the Russia probe reflecting on what he admits was “political bias.”


His deposition this week behind closed doors of a House Committee has cast doubt on the issuance of FISA warrants and other exculpatory information.

Yes, this was a closet coup!

Now we see the mounting evidence.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, is Chairman and CEO of The Global Fiduciary Governance LLC, a leading strategy thought leadership company. Ted is an author, consultant,  television producer and professor.

The post Malloch: Look Who’s Squealing Now – James “Dirty Hands” Baker appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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