
Return Address Name on Suspicious Packages Sent to Obama and Hillary Belongs to Debbie Wasserman Schultz

- Oktober 25, 2018

The Secret Service announced Wednesday that suspicious packages were sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

The packages contained “potential explosive devices.”

Clinton spox Nick Merrill said that nothing sent to Clinton reached her home.

The Secret Service said that the suspicious package sent to Obama was intercepted by agency personnel in D.C. Wednesday morning.

NBC is now reporting that the name on the return address belongs to Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).

Ali Velshi: Three senior law enforcement officials tell NBC the return address name on the suspicious packages found at Clinton, Obama, and Soros’ addresses belongs to DNC official Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

In context, mail bombers will use a return address that will put the recipient at ease so they open the package.

Via NBC contributor Joyce Alene: Here’s a hallmark of mail bombers: They use a return address that will put the recipient at ease, causing them to open the package without question. Congresswoman Schultz did not send these bombs. Other indicia of a mail bomb to look for include excess postage & irregular shape.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry said it perfectly:

The post Return Address Name on Suspicious Packages Sent to Obama and Hillary Belongs to Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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