
Angela Merkel: In This Day and Age States Must Be Ready to Give Up Sovereignty – Nationalist Countries are Not Patriotic

- November 23, 2018

Germany, a country of 82 million, welcomed from 800,000 to over one million migrants and unvetted “refugees” in 2015.

Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed close over 280,000 migrants in 2016.

In April 2017 after several Islamist terror attacks and after Islamists tried to blow up a bus carrying a top German soccer team, Merkel told reporters that “there is no doubt” that some refugees pose a security threat.

A new tradition started in Germany this Christmas season.
This year the popular Berlin Christmas market is surrounded by a metal fence reinforced by giant sand bags.

The Diversity barriers are back.
Via Vlad Tepes:

But Angela Merkel has not learned from her suicidal politics.
This week Merkel lectured countries to be ready to give up their sovereignty. She went on to say that nationalistic politics are selfish and not patriotic.

The Express reported:

Mrs Merkel, who last month announced she was controversially stepping down as leader of her party but not as Chancellor of Germany despite previously saying the two roles go hand in glove, said ceding power to a superstate is a better form of patriotism.

She told the event, titled ‘Parliamentarianism Between Globalisation and National Sovereignty’: “In this day nation states must today – should today, I say – be ready to give up sovereignty.

“But of course in an orderly procedure.”

Mrs Merkel said that countries who think “they can solve everything on their own” are simply nationalistic and not patriotic because they “only think about themselves.”

She said: “Either you are one of those who believe they can solve everything on their own and only have to think about themselves. That is nationalism in its purest form.

“This is not patriotism. Because patriotism is if you include others in the German interest and accept win-win situations.”

The post Angela Merkel: In This Day and Age States Must Be Ready to Give Up Sovereignty – Nationalist Countries are Not Patriotic appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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