
JUST IN: Dr. Jerome Corsi in Plea Negotiations With Robert Mueller

- November 23, 2018

This should terrify every American.

Conservative journalist, Dr. Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with Robert Mueller after being questioned by the special counsel for over 40 hours about his ‘inside sources’ at WikiLeaks and alleged advance knowledge Julian Assange was going to release John Podesta’s emails.

Corsi was expecting to be indicted in a perjury trap so out of fear of spending the rest of his life in prison, he is negotiating a plea deal.

Since Mueller cannot bring charges on the Russian collusion hoax, he has targeted people in Trump’s inner circle for making ‘false statements.’

Jerome Corsi is a journalist so it is terrifying to see that Mueller is targeting him for exercising his First Amendment rights.

How is it any of Mueller’s business if Corsi was speaking to sources? Journalists have every right to speak with sources.

Via the Washington Post:

Conservative writer and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, according to Corsi and another person with knowledge of the talks.

The talks with Corsi — an associate of both President Trump and GOP operative Roger Stone — could bring Mueller’s team closer to determining whether Trump or his advisers were linked to WikiLeaks’ release of hacked Democratic emails in 2016, a key part of his long-running inquiry.

Corsi confirmed the plea negotiations after they were first reported by The Washington Post Friday. “It’s true. Your story is accurate,” he said, declining to comment further except to say there may be further developments next week.

The deal is not yet complete and could still be derailed. Last week, Corsi said his efforts to cooperate with prosecutors had broken down and that he expected to be indicted on a charge of allegedly lying. He described feeling under enormous pressure from Mueller and assured his supporters that he remains supportive of the president.

A Deep State leak last week revealed that Mueller is now investigating whether Jerome Corsi had advance knowledge that WikiLeaks had obtained Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails during the 2016 election–then passed along the information to Roger Stone.

There is ZERO evidence to support this theory and Roger Stone has maintained that Jerome Corsi has never relayed any such information to him.

Robert Mueller is desperate to tie anyone in Trump’s inner circle to the Russians and dissemination of Podesta’s emails via WikiLeaks.

To this day the FBI has never even done a forensic inspection of the DNC servers so there is no proof the servers were hacked, and if hacked, by whom?

Jerome Corsi, 72, now fears he will spend the rest of his life in prison, however he has reassured people that he remains supportive of President Trump.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Dr. Corsi and he declined to comment at this time.

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