
Male Gym Teacher at Middle School Punished for Not Watching Trans Girl Get Undressed in Boys Locker Room

- November 16, 2018

If you want to see how far we’ve come with the insanity of transgenderism, then this story is a good marker.

A female student at the Pasco County School District in Florida who identifies as a male would access the male locker room without warning, sometimes catching the male students in a state of undress. In reaction, the school did not cater to the male students by making the female use the locker room of her actual gender but instead told the gym coach to oversee the girl using the gym’s facilities.

The coach refused to do so, choosing not to put himself into a situation where he would be in the same room with a potentially nude female minor. In reaction, the school punished the gym teacher.

Joy Pullman at The Federalist tells the story:

With a “gag order,” school administrators forbade teachers from talking about the change, and ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.’”

In an email, an administrator initially threatened to put the male coach on administrative leave, telling him that refusing to supervise a potentially naked female student would “not be tolerated,” said Liberty Counsel attorney Richard Mast. The school’s other P.E. teacher, who is female, also objected and was ignored.

The school has yet to officially inform parents of the goings on inside the school, as mentioned by Pullman, teachers are forbidden to speak to anyone about it. Pullman states that these decisions weren’t even discussed by the school board, they were just implemented by an LGBT school psychologist:

It appears Pasco schools adopted their transgender policies with no notice to their elected school board, parents, or voters. Instead, they were implemented after the district hired Jackie Jackson-Dean, a school psychologist, as a LGBT liason. Her website lists her as the “primary author of the school district’s [LGBT] best practices guide,” which names her as its”lead content developer.” That guide says transgender pronouns, locker room, bathroom, dress code, and sports access are a student’s “right.”

In short, these new policies as put forth in the “gender support plan” make it so that the student’s experimentations with sexuality are kept secret from parents, and what’s more, forbids teachers from reaching out to parents at all about what’s going on. This means that if a male student so chooses, he could identify as female, walk into the female restrooms with no pushback, and the teachers and staff will have no choice but to stay quiet about it all, especially to the parents of both the boy and the girls whose space he is invading.

Not only is this wildly unfair to students, but the fact that teachers are punished for refusing to watch a minor undress, especially a young girl, is beyond the pale. This isn’t progress, this is forced perversion thanks to a denial of reality.

The post Male Gym Teacher at Middle School Punished for Not Watching Trans Girl Get Undressed in Boys Locker Room appeared first on RedState.


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